Saturday, June 10, 2006

Meta-intellectual Tom passes gas

NY Times' ubergreen meta-intellectual crawled over the Select's wall to pass gas taxes.

Pecksniff Tom tells us he enjoys the freedom of darting off to JFK and dashing over to kowtow to Jintao. In 'Sniff's two dimensional world, there's no correlation between his unchecked travel budget and NYT's being downgraded by Goldman-Sachs. Sniff's not worried, for he knows that's what clerical help is for to be laid off -- Tom calls it being outsourced! -- when Times are bad. And to think, he won a business book award. What where those blokes thinking?

Back when Sniff was part of the global information age -- prior to TimesSelect walling out the crazies, foolishly thinking folks would pay to read what they thought -- the New York Times (NYT) was trading at $50 a share; nowadays, they're trading at half that! Knowing that Sniff's such a polling guy, what do those results tell you? Me, I'd say, "The model ain't working!"

Although he just escaped from Sulzburger State Prison, he wants to tax gas, so we're forced to buy green cars that run on things not yet invented, like that really cool car Doc Brown had.


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