Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Kristof serves up a steaming pile of gumption...

Kristof tells us "just a bit of gumption" will end the "fear and death" in Darfur. One of the true altar boys in the Church of Modern-Day Internationalism, Kristof wants "to push a meaningful U.N. resolution even at the risk of a Chinese veto, and to insist upon the deployment of a larger African force."

What am I missing? Haven't we been told Turtle Bay diplomacy was good stuff? Haven't we been told that unilateralism is an amoral nationalistic sin, and multilateralism is a Kantian virtue or Aristotle's true "good"? Haven't we seen Kristof and others kissing Annan's ring of power?

Prior to our invasion of Iraq, Kristof told us we needed to let diplomacy work its magic. We didn't hear Kristof wanting to contravene the will of the French and Germans.

Since the fall of Saddam Hussein, a true genocidal master, all we've heard from Brother Nick is "Where's the WMD?" Kristof has been too busy looking for bin Laden to look for mass graves in Iraq.

Kristof has tears galore for Sudanese being slaughtered, but Kristof has never squeezed out one single tear for any Iraqi that was slaughtered. Why is that, Kristof?


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