Saturday, October 16, 2004

If Dionne were an honest man...

Like many, Dionne believes the sun rises in the east, even though the earth spins; saying a thing makes it so, and the more often it is said the truer it becomes; and perceptions are reality. For Dionne, words trump deeds. For Dionne, countenance and demeanor are elevated to action.

Dionne tells us Kerry is "presidentially consistent." Dionne scoffs at Bush for trying to paint Kerry as a Massachusetts liberal. Yes indeed, "[attacks] can be answered immediately." Perhaps, Bush should have said: "This is why Kerry has reason to hope that his identity as a Vietnam veteran can trump his history as a Massachusetts liberal" ("The President: Paying the Price . . .," E.J. Dionne, The Washington Post, May 30, 2004).

In May, Dionne called 'em like he saw 'em, and told us Kerry is a "Massachusetts liberal," and one wonders why Kerry and Dionne object to that "label." Perhaps, they think "liberal" is a pejorative term.

Dionne famously ignores what AEI says about his second favorite "Massachusetts liberal." In March, R. Glen Hubbard wrote, "Mr. Kerry's Math":
"Laws of math cannot be repealed--one cannot increase federal spending by $1.7 trillion over 10 years, slash the deficit over four years, and raise taxes only on those earning $200,000-plus to pay for the rest. More Americans would pay higher taxes under John Kerry's administration than John Kerry is willing to let on. Fully funding his promises would require repealing the entire Bush tax cuts, implying large tax increases for lower- and middle-income workers."
Perhaps, Dionne blinked when Kerry, looked into the camera, and told us he wouldn't "raise taxes" on the middle class, but only on the rich among us. Guess we know, that was, as Dionne would say, "pardon the word," a LIE.


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