Utilitarianism deployed in the Middle East
The UN Security Council's dead line for Iran to end its enrichment of uranium is set to expire. Predictably, the Permanent 5 (P-5) are split. Russia and China are opposed to sanctions being placed on Iran, so nothing will be done in the Security Council, or in the General Assembly (for that matter).
We read Iran has bought themselves some new toys. Yes indeed, they have some new-old missiles. Russia built them, used them for awhile, and then sold them to North Korea. North Korea modified them to increase their range and payload. North Korea needed newer toys, so they sold their old ones to Iran.
All the while, Israelis are twitching. For they know, Iran's president is whacky. He wants Israel "wiped off the map," or moved to Europe or America. Yet there are some around busy pedantically equivocating about the translation of his words, but the meaning was clear to most, particularly the Israelis.
For years, we've been told if Israel would accomodate the Palestinians, all would be well. It's never been true. Recently, Hamas became the ruling party of Palestine. One terrorist (Arafat) replaced by others, who should be surprised.
Iran's leaders say they need nuclear power plants, so with the help of our friends the Russians they're building them one. Iran is the 4th largest supplier of crude oil in the world, so everyone understands their urgency for deversifying their energy stream, for they can never be sure when they'll have to impose sanctions on themselves for violating UN mandates.
Not long ago, Iran's president crowed ("we joined the nuclear club"), for they had succeeded in enriching U235 to 3.5%, a concentration commonly used in commmerical nuclear reactors. If one digs up a bucket of uranium, 7/10 of 1% of the uranium would be the isotope U235; this is the mostly commonly used fissile isotope, in reactors and bombs.
Then, it's a few spins away from the big bang fuel. Cascaded centrifuges continues the enrichment process until one has the concentration you want or need. The power plant blend (if you will) is generally in the 3-4% range; whereas, bomb grade concentration is >90%. Patience, time, plenty of feedstock, and abundant electrical power for running all those centrifuges is all one needs.
Good news is Iran has plenty of crude oil for burning to make electrical power, so they can make as much weapons grade fuel they want or need. More good news, Iran has plenty of uranium feedstock.
An aside: the Candians have a passion for natural uranium-graphite reactors (CANDUs); I've yet to hear anyone ask the Iranians what's wrong with that reactor design.
Iran is in race with Europe and America, with Israel twitching on the sidelines, but Europe is hobbled in the blocks. Iran knows their enemy. They know what Israel did to Iraq's reactor. Unlike Osirak, one well aimed bolt will not slay the Persian beast.
Not long ago, Jacques Chirac woke up, realized it was unlikely that Bush would nuke Paris, and remembered where the real threat was, for he reminded the Iranians the French have nuclear weapons and they would defend their country.
My guess is Iran's president chuckled at that far-fetched and silly notion, for everyone knows the French love surrendering Paris. As many historians have noted the character of a nation's people is steadfast and true; therefore, it defies common sense to believe the French have changed. After all, two thousand years ago, Livy told us that Hannibal said the French (Gauls) were perfidious by nature (The Early History of Rome). Five hundred years ago, Machiavelli told us French were no better than women in war (The Discourses). Nah, the Iranians are not worried about what the French say. It seems the French left their royal jewels (testes) in Moscow some years ago.
The Iranians are only worried about two countries, oil thirsty Americans and twitching Israelis. In spite of huge international pressure objecting to our invasion of Iraq in 2003, we did. Three years later, Americans troops are still there fighting and dying.
Yes indeed, a race is being run, whether Joe Six Pack or Jacques Croissant knows it. As the Iranians know, once a country has nuclear weapons, actions by others become very limited. The world community did nothing about India or Pakistan, and the world community has done nothing about North Korea. Knowing all this, Iran's centrifuges are spinning 24-7, regardless of what they say to the contrary.
Many commentators talk about tin-horn dictators and that one pivotal moment when the tyrant could have been stopped. The Europeans missed their chance with Hilter. The Americans missed that moment in the Persian Gulf War, when we stopped on the Highway of Death.
Now, we have another moment of import. While we decide, Israel twitches. For they've got jets and dozens of nuclear weapons, or that is what everyone (including me) believes -- some say they have 200 nuclear weapons. They probably have some of the "Crowd Pleasers" (high yield), as the Broken Arrow co-pilot quipped.
Back to the point, something will happen, and no one knows what. Does history repeat? Nah! Heraclitus' stream gurgles ever onward. But each time we step into it, even at the same place, we're always looking for that one rock that shifts under our weight, and tumbles us in, to be washed away by the surging current of change. Me, I would like to avoid the cold bath of 50 million dead as we saw in WWII.
Distances are short. Tehran to London is 2800 miles. Iran's newest missiles only has a range of 1500 miles, so London's safe (for the moment). So is Paris (2600 miles). So is Berlin (2300 miles). So is Rome (2100 miles). Iran's friends, Moscow is within the range of the missiles they made (1500 miles). My guess, that's one P-5 they can count on while they run their race.
DC to Los Angeles is 2700 miles. DC to Caracas is 22oo miles. Who among us wants Hugo Chavez to get his hands on a couple of those missiles? Even if they're not nuclear tipped? Does anyone believe Chavez wouldn't buy them if they were for sell?
The EU-3 shot their bolt last year with Iran. They're not going to do nothing until it's too late. It's hard to imagine our country doing anything, for we're a long way away from Tehran, and we've grown weary of Iraqis.
Secretary Albright has resigned herself to a nuclear armed Iran, and she's not alone.
Look at the spineless EU-3. If they were honest, they would admit they don't give a crap about a bunch of Jews; there's so few European Jews, but there are millions of Muslims in Europe, not to be confused with European Muslims. Europeans know mad European Jews will not brutally slaughter them in the beds, or while they walk down the street. But they fear Muslims in their midst, for they know what they've done to those they don't like or respect. Europe should speak the truth and be done with it, they should say "Jews go away!" for that would lessen their headaches and they could sit back and watch the World Cup games, while cursing Americans for not understanding world affairs.
Our country is not very different, but it's a different kettle of fish here. Look at American Jews, they are among the most vocal critics of Israel. For many of them, I'd hazard to say the majority of them, they'd give away all but Wailing Wall -- they must maintain the illusion they haven't abandon the land God gave to them, but they're practiced in the art of self-deception and denial. In our country, historically they support politicians that say much and do little about protecting Israel. Their love affair with Bill Clinton proved that. Clinton talked much, he bit his lip, and pushed Barak (who was only to willing to comply) to give up large areas of their country. So they say now, if only Arafat had wanted peace.
Meanwhile, very few are saying what is painfully true: Muslims do not accept the concept of Israel. It seems here, only Christians and so-called "neo-Con" American Jews support the State of Israel and its right to exist in its historical homeland.
One day we will hear the practical relativist says, "Let 'em have the bomb. What the heck, we can't kill a billion Muslims because of 20 millions Jews, can we?"
One day we will hear the practical Social Darwinists say, "Survival of the fittiest, that's my motto. If the Jews can't take a nuke and keep on tickin ... well they were meant to go the way of the dinosaur. Hey Schumyboxer, did you see this here? There's only 20,000 cheetahs left nowadays, we need to do something about that."
We read Iran has bought themselves some new toys. Yes indeed, they have some new-old missiles. Russia built them, used them for awhile, and then sold them to North Korea. North Korea modified them to increase their range and payload. North Korea needed newer toys, so they sold their old ones to Iran.
All the while, Israelis are twitching. For they know, Iran's president is whacky. He wants Israel "wiped off the map," or moved to Europe or America. Yet there are some around busy pedantically equivocating about the translation of his words, but the meaning was clear to most, particularly the Israelis.
For years, we've been told if Israel would accomodate the Palestinians, all would be well. It's never been true. Recently, Hamas became the ruling party of Palestine. One terrorist (Arafat) replaced by others, who should be surprised.
Iran's leaders say they need nuclear power plants, so with the help of our friends the Russians they're building them one. Iran is the 4th largest supplier of crude oil in the world, so everyone understands their urgency for deversifying their energy stream, for they can never be sure when they'll have to impose sanctions on themselves for violating UN mandates.
Not long ago, Iran's president crowed ("we joined the nuclear club"), for they had succeeded in enriching U235 to 3.5%, a concentration commonly used in commmerical nuclear reactors. If one digs up a bucket of uranium, 7/10 of 1% of the uranium would be the isotope U235; this is the mostly commonly used fissile isotope, in reactors and bombs.
Then, it's a few spins away from the big bang fuel. Cascaded centrifuges continues the enrichment process until one has the concentration you want or need. The power plant blend (if you will) is generally in the 3-4% range; whereas, bomb grade concentration is >90%. Patience, time, plenty of feedstock, and abundant electrical power for running all those centrifuges is all one needs.
Good news is Iran has plenty of crude oil for burning to make electrical power, so they can make as much weapons grade fuel they want or need. More good news, Iran has plenty of uranium feedstock.
An aside: the Candians have a passion for natural uranium-graphite reactors (CANDUs); I've yet to hear anyone ask the Iranians what's wrong with that reactor design.
Iran is in race with Europe and America, with Israel twitching on the sidelines, but Europe is hobbled in the blocks. Iran knows their enemy. They know what Israel did to Iraq's reactor. Unlike Osirak, one well aimed bolt will not slay the Persian beast.
Not long ago, Jacques Chirac woke up, realized it was unlikely that Bush would nuke Paris, and remembered where the real threat was, for he reminded the Iranians the French have nuclear weapons and they would defend their country.
My guess is Iran's president chuckled at that far-fetched and silly notion, for everyone knows the French love surrendering Paris. As many historians have noted the character of a nation's people is steadfast and true; therefore, it defies common sense to believe the French have changed. After all, two thousand years ago, Livy told us that Hannibal said the French (Gauls) were perfidious by nature (The Early History of Rome). Five hundred years ago, Machiavelli told us French were no better than women in war (The Discourses). Nah, the Iranians are not worried about what the French say. It seems the French left their royal jewels (testes) in Moscow some years ago.
The Iranians are only worried about two countries, oil thirsty Americans and twitching Israelis. In spite of huge international pressure objecting to our invasion of Iraq in 2003, we did. Three years later, Americans troops are still there fighting and dying.
Yes indeed, a race is being run, whether Joe Six Pack or Jacques Croissant knows it. As the Iranians know, once a country has nuclear weapons, actions by others become very limited. The world community did nothing about India or Pakistan, and the world community has done nothing about North Korea. Knowing all this, Iran's centrifuges are spinning 24-7, regardless of what they say to the contrary.
Many commentators talk about tin-horn dictators and that one pivotal moment when the tyrant could have been stopped. The Europeans missed their chance with Hilter. The Americans missed that moment in the Persian Gulf War, when we stopped on the Highway of Death.
Now, we have another moment of import. While we decide, Israel twitches. For they've got jets and dozens of nuclear weapons, or that is what everyone (including me) believes -- some say they have 200 nuclear weapons. They probably have some of the "Crowd Pleasers" (high yield), as the Broken Arrow co-pilot quipped.
Back to the point, something will happen, and no one knows what. Does history repeat? Nah! Heraclitus' stream gurgles ever onward. But each time we step into it, even at the same place, we're always looking for that one rock that shifts under our weight, and tumbles us in, to be washed away by the surging current of change. Me, I would like to avoid the cold bath of 50 million dead as we saw in WWII.
Distances are short. Tehran to London is 2800 miles. Iran's newest missiles only has a range of 1500 miles, so London's safe (for the moment). So is Paris (2600 miles). So is Berlin (2300 miles). So is Rome (2100 miles). Iran's friends, Moscow is within the range of the missiles they made (1500 miles). My guess, that's one P-5 they can count on while they run their race.
DC to Los Angeles is 2700 miles. DC to Caracas is 22oo miles. Who among us wants Hugo Chavez to get his hands on a couple of those missiles? Even if they're not nuclear tipped? Does anyone believe Chavez wouldn't buy them if they were for sell?
The EU-3 shot their bolt last year with Iran. They're not going to do nothing until it's too late. It's hard to imagine our country doing anything, for we're a long way away from Tehran, and we've grown weary of Iraqis.
Secretary Albright has resigned herself to a nuclear armed Iran, and she's not alone.
Look at the spineless EU-3. If they were honest, they would admit they don't give a crap about a bunch of Jews; there's so few European Jews, but there are millions of Muslims in Europe, not to be confused with European Muslims. Europeans know mad European Jews will not brutally slaughter them in the beds, or while they walk down the street. But they fear Muslims in their midst, for they know what they've done to those they don't like or respect. Europe should speak the truth and be done with it, they should say "Jews go away!" for that would lessen their headaches and they could sit back and watch the World Cup games, while cursing Americans for not understanding world affairs.
Our country is not very different, but it's a different kettle of fish here. Look at American Jews, they are among the most vocal critics of Israel. For many of them, I'd hazard to say the majority of them, they'd give away all but Wailing Wall -- they must maintain the illusion they haven't abandon the land God gave to them, but they're practiced in the art of self-deception and denial. In our country, historically they support politicians that say much and do little about protecting Israel. Their love affair with Bill Clinton proved that. Clinton talked much, he bit his lip, and pushed Barak (who was only to willing to comply) to give up large areas of their country. So they say now, if only Arafat had wanted peace.
Meanwhile, very few are saying what is painfully true: Muslims do not accept the concept of Israel. It seems here, only Christians and so-called "neo-Con" American Jews support the State of Israel and its right to exist in its historical homeland.
One day we will hear the practical relativist says, "Let 'em have the bomb. What the heck, we can't kill a billion Muslims because of 20 millions Jews, can we?"
One day we will hear the practical Social Darwinists say, "Survival of the fittiest, that's my motto. If the Jews can't take a nuke and keep on tickin ... well they were meant to go the way of the dinosaur. Hey Schumyboxer, did you see this here? There's only 20,000 cheetahs left nowadays, we need to do something about that."
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