Saturday, November 13, 2004

Centralized Interlocutor Agency

In the Washington Post, we read CIA senior staff is acting like a bunch of ill-tempered children.

Setting aside their widely reported failures regarding 9/11 and WMD in Iraq, we have others:

The CIA didn't see the Soviet Union collapse till they watched it on CNN.

The CIA didn't see North Korea ability to launch a multi-stage rocket.

The CIA didn't know where the Chinese embassy was in Belgrade, so it got bombed during the Kosovo War.

The CIA didn't see the Iranian revolution or Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait.

The CIA didn't see India or Pakistan becoming members of the nuclear weapons club, nor did the CIA know South Africa had nuclear weapons until they announced they were doing away with them.

They're apparently too busy talking to reporters to do their job, so we shouldn't blame them for their lack of intelligence.


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